Here's the description I used to have under my Oscar
and André cel:
This cel is something of a mystery to me. It was
sold to me by a reputable dealer as a Rose of Versailles cel, and
I certainly don't blame them for their labelling. I certainly
thought it was a Rose of Versailles cel. No one I've showed it
to, including the whole
Cels Forum has ever said otherwise.
However, while Not-Oscar looks so much like Oscar, Not-André
is, well, not André. Take a look in my Rose of Versailles
gallery and it becomes obvious--by the point in the show where
André has short hair, his face is much less round than Not-André's.
The real André also never had quite such short hair.
Furthermore, this scene never takes place in the show. There are
scenes where one might expect a pose like this, but Oscar and
André never stand quite this way in any of the 40 TV
episodes or the 41st episode/compilation movie.
So, what I have here is a cel of a character who looks just like
Oscar with a guy who has his hair down over one eye, both wearing
just the kind of shirts the Rose of Versailles characters wear, in
a pose that never actually happened. What is it? It's not cut
footage, because Not-André's character design is wrong. It's
not a normal fan cel, because it has registration holes and a sequence
number. I don't think it could be a fake, because who would fake
a scene that never happened, with a wildly off-spec character
design? It's a slightly awkward pose, and even when I bought the
cel after it had been through at least one dealer, it didn't
cost enough to be worth forging.
What's left? Was _any_ other footage ever animated for Rose
of Versailles? Takarazuka commercials? Ads for manga or LD
reprints? Could there be another show with such similar
designs? If you know, please tell me!