A key cel with matching background from episode 5. Jessie has challenged Akari to a race. She is angry that while she herself has worked extremely hard to get where she is, Akari, who carries the blood of the great Midoh Tomoe, is willing to cheerfully accept losing to everyone. Here she tells Akari that Midoh Tomoe set a record in this event at the age of 15, and challenges Akari to show Jessie her power.

While normally I think a positive outlook on life is a good thing, I have to sympathize with Jessie here. To see someone with natural talent fail to perform to their potential because they lack the self confidence to really try is very frustrating. I also sympathize with Akari, but her eternal cheerfulness even in the face of defeat kind of makes me want to do what Jessie did at the end of the race. Of course, it's always dangerous to awaken sleeping talents....

This cel is kind of like getting two cels in one, since the Jessie and Akari layer are used together (with Akari barely visible) as Jessie walks away from Akari, and then the Akari layer is used alone as she looks after Jessie. Below are screencaps of both scenes.