3/1/03 |
Eep, I missed an entire year! Anyway, my "update" at the moment
is that I finally fixed my contact page so that it lists an email
address that actually exists. My apologies if anyone has been
trying to reach me at the defunct jury@ohtoriacademy.com address. |
10/7/01 |
Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I last worked on
the site. Anyway, my Suoh and Nagisa
update is now complete. Once again, the second and third
pages are temporarily only accessible through this page or from
Suoh and Nagisa page 1. Now, on to Nokoru and Idomu! |
9/11/01 |
I meant to do the descriptions for my Suoh and Nagisa update (which
is otherwise ready) today, but I haven't had the heart. What a terrible,
terrible day...my deepest sympathy to, well, everyone. Except, of course,
those responsible, for whom I have only rage.
The sound of jets circling
overhead should bring reassurance, but instead they seem somehow
ominous.... |
9/3/01 |
Finished the Akira and Utako second page.
Currently it's only reachable from here or the first page, but that will be fixed when I put
the new Clamp Campus Detectives front page in place. |
9/2/01 |
Added the descriptions for the Akira and Utako cels from last
night, and did some "behind the scenes" work on the new CCD front page. |
9/1/01 |
And so it begins! The Akira and
Utako page has four new cels, and some of its previous occupants
have been removed pending relocation. I meant to get both pages
of this section done today, but found myself without the font I
used for the original section titles, so I'll have to do the rest
tomorrow, as well as the descriptions for the new cels. |
8/30/01 |
I'm getting ready to start putting up my new CCD cels, and just
finished scanning the oversized ones. This included one of my absolute
favorite cels in my collection that has waited a long time for a proper
scan without bag lines and such. (The dealer had kindly let me use
their scan.) I was so happy to see it in all its glory that I couldn't
resist doing a micro-update. So, you can check out my new scan of
and Nagisa (beware large image). I also finally gave Yoshie's
mysterious friend her screencap. |
7/16/01 |
Took down my Misao cel (since I sold it). I'll update with a
replacement in a bit. Still working on my CCD update.... |
6/12/01 |
No actual new cels today, but a cel mystery I have wondered about
for a long time has been solved for me. My cel of Oscar and André is now secure in its identity! |
5/4/01 |
Did an update to celebrate the official launch of
my new www.marmosets.net
gallery location. It's only one
cel, but an appropriate one for such a joyously marmoset-ful
occasion. ;-) |
4/11/01 |
Finished moving all the pieces of my gallery over to the new
server/domain name. I accidentally toasted the descriptions for
the Miyuki/Ferret cels and had to
reconstitute them.
2/23/01 |
I just got my very own domain name! (Well, two domain names,
actually.) I'm currently in the process of transferring
my whole gallery over to the web server they point at, so things
may go through periods of not working. Please let me know if
you run into any broken links or anything. |
2/21/01 |
So...a little while ago I made a new Battle Athletes section,
and updated with 43 new Battle Athletes cels. Many people came
to my gallery (thanks!), and I got a couple of nice comments. Around
this time my dream cel of Hotohori arrived. :-) In a cynical moment,
I thought about the relative popularities of Battle Athletes and Fushigi
Yuugi, and wondered if I could get the same amount of traffic and
nice comments for an update of one (very nice) Fushigi Yuugi cel
as for my whole Battle Athletes section. Since I loved Hotohori so much
that I wanted to show him off right away, I figured, what the heck, why
not do a little experiment.
Oh, I also have a tiny update...Tamahome
got a screencap. |
2/20/01 |
Only updated one cel, but it's something I'm inordinately
pleased with. A new Hotohori cel to my Cels
From Other Shows Page 3. |
2/12/01 |
Added a new Battle Athletes
section. I meant to do this update in honor of last year's Summer
Olympics, but, well...it took a bit longer than I intended. :-) If
you've never seen Battle Athletes TV, I highly recommend giving it a
try. I initially thought it was just some sort of fluff about
girls in skimpy outfits playing sports. Not my cup of tea.
However, when I actually sat
down and watched it, I discovered that it is a sometimes
funny, sometimes very serious look at friendship and competition.
I found it quite thought-provoking, and its situations applicable
to things much more universal than athletic competition. The plot
had some surprising twists, I became fond of the characters, and
now I'd say it ranks among my all-time favorite shows.
Anyway, enough about the show, now on to the update. Battle Athletes
is a show I collect much more for the great scenes and characters
than for the artwork, so I've tended to do fairly detailed descriptions.
It's also a show with some big surprises up its sleeve. I've tried
to mark spoilers wherever possible, but if you don't recognize a cel
image, browse with care. Every section except "Others and Groups"
is arranged roughly chronologically.
You may notice that the screen captures are pretty bad looking. This
is due to some sort of unfortunate interaction between Pioneer's
bad encoding, the Apex's bad decoding, and whatever settings I had
in Premiere. I think I've got the problem worked out, but it will
be a while before I get around to re-doing the caps. |
1/7/01 |
OK, finally got the update done. A new cel and a new screencap
from Bastard! and a new Sailor Moon section in Cels from Other Shows. |
1/4/01 |
My first update of the new year! Well, it would be if it
were done, anyway...I'll finish it tomorrow night, and in the
meantime I apologize for having put up Sailor Moon thumbnails that
don't lead anywhere. |
10/25/00 |
A very small update today. In my Kimagure
Orange Road section I added a screencap and re-scanned one cel to
more accurately reflect its, um, current appearance. ;-) Sadly, I
also had the first departure from my gallery; one of my Saitoh
cels is going to a new happy home. |
10/10/00 |
I updated my wish list to
make it more up to date. Sadly, it didn't get any shorter. ;-) |
10/9/00 |
Hmm, I guess it's been a while since my last update. I'm
currently working on a new section and am without a screencapping
VCR, but I added a handful of cels that I wasn't likely to
have a screencap for anytime soon. The new cels are from
Card Captor Sakura,
Irresponsible Captain Tylor,
Slayers (scroll down to the
bottom of the page). I've also been experimenting with a new hosting
service, so I'd love feedback if anyone has trouble with slow
loading for the large images of these new cels. |
6/9/00 |
OK, it's been a long time between updates, but I'm going to
try to get caught up. Today I updated all four subsections of my
Rurouni Kenshin page, with cels of Kenshin,
Kaoru (firefly scene!), Sano, Megumi, Saitoh, Soujiro, Aoshi, and
Yahiko. Added screencaps for several cels that have been up for a
while. Also added two group
cels to the "Other Characters" section
and changed it to Others and Groups.
2/29/00 |
Just a small update today; I added another Vampire Princess Miyu TV cel,
and gave screencaps and updated descriptions to a couple
of others.
1/19/00 |
Put a cel of Utena and Touga together from the TV series up for
trade or possibly sale at Keys'
Little Cel Shoppe. Thanks, Keys! I'd like to trade it for
a decent cel of Utena, or, even better, a cel of Jury. See my
Wish List for more stuff I'm looking
1/13/00 |
I joined the Cels Webring, administered by the ever-wonderful
Yann Stettler of
The webring link is at the bottom of my
main gallery page.
1/12/00 |
My first visible update in three months (if anyone's checking), but
I've been working on it for quite a while. The "Other Shows" section
is the last item left over from my page's earliest incarnation. Back
in June or so when I started this gallery (the updates page came later)
the backgrounds were black, the titles were in bright non-matching colors,
and my cel collection was small enough that my miscellaneous page was
accurately titled "Shows with Only One Cel Instead of Two". Now, six
months later, my gallery has a (hopefully) more tasteful look, and my
collection has expanded quite a bit from its original small cel book.
However, my collecting habits are still pretty similar. If I like a
show, I want to own a cel or two from it if I can. It would probably
be more sensible and economical to only collect from my very favorite
shows, but I've always been a bit indecisive. :-) I realized while
working on this section that nearly half my collection qualifies as
being from "Other Shows" with my current page layout. Thus, my new
section has, not five cels, but six pages. Without further ado, I
present to you the new and improved Cels from
Other Shows. (For a description that covers three months of updates,
that wasn't too long, was it? Don't answer that....)
Updates |